
Learning Pedals Driving School

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Learning Pedals is fully committed to assist you to become the best and safest driver you could be. Earn your licence as fast as possible and at the lowest possible total cost in the Right Way, Right Away.

Services: Logbook Training, Overseas Licence Conversions, Drive Test and Test Preparation, Refresher Courses.

Driving a vehicle is a dream come true. Your driving licence will certainly enhance your lifestyle and job prospects. With a driving licence, you assume a tremendous responsibility for the safety of yourself, your passengers, your vehicle, pedestrians, fellow motorists and the public. We work with you to become the best driver you could potentially be and save you both trouble and money and worry in terms of fuel consumption and car repairs and maintenance.

How Do We Differ …
We work with you to establish your driving goals and develop your personalised strategy to earn your Licence while developing a sound insight into road dynamics, driving temperament and skills that will save lives, trouble and money.

We focus equally on Quality of Learning, Affordability and Fastest Results and do not compromise one for the other

With Learning Pedals Driving School you will become the Best Driver you could be, saving you both trouble and money. That’s our promise.

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