About Us

Aussie Business Directory is a new Online directory and event listing website. We began working on the site in early 2013 in order to address the need for a visually appealing, feature rich, and easy to navigate online directory dedicated exclusively to Indian People living in Australia. Our goal is to provide Indians in OZ  with all the tools necessary for building an online presence, allowing them to give potential buyers all the information they need to choose the right business, and thus, for business to find the right client. We also aim to promote an active and engaged online community of Events through our event listing page and blogs, which all registered users are encouraged to contribute to.

Aussie Business Directory aims to be the most prominent, feature rich, and best value for money Indian directory anywhere online, dedicated exclusively to Indian community.

We hope to make Aussie Business Directory a website which the most dedicated and enthusiastic Indian businesses choose to promote their website. We also aim to keep Aussie Business Directory  up to date and free from outdated and spam listings, which is why moderate all listing before they get posted. We want the experience of finding a business to be as simple and enjoyable as possible for our visitors.

If you are looking for a doctor or accountant or any other profession, you may search for one in your local area by filling out the search form above. If you are looking for articles by Aussie Business Directory members, you may search our blog page. Business are encouraged to contribute to the blog in the spirit of promoting an active and engaged online community of Indian business and to give potential clients an idea of their business style, philosophy, and approach to various things.

Features & highlights of Aussie Business Directory

Bharat Yellow Page aims to be the most prominent, feature rich, and easy to navigate Indian directory online in Australia. Here is a list of some of the features and highlights of Aussie Business Directory;

For visitors:

find music teachers and music lessons quickly    Quick & easy search – No navigating through pages and menus. Type in the search form the business you are looking for and your suburb/state/post code and Aussie Business Directory will find all the businesses in that area who does that business you want. You can even broaden or refine your search, or re-order the results by rating, distance, or title. music lessons and articles comment   Comment on articles – All visitors are able to comment on articles in the blog. This can be particularly useful if you have questions about the something you would like answered by the author or other members of the community.
easy contact music teachers   Easy contact – Contact business you are after straight from their listing. No need to open up your email, or get on the phone. http://www.teachmemusic.com.au/wp-content/uploads/2012/07/thumbs_up.png  Add favourites – Can’t decide on which option to choose from listing? Add a list of your favourites to your user dashboard, then compare them side by side, or decide later.
music lessons and article onlineOnline articles – Search our blog for online articles by professional people. This is a great resource for business to grow. http://www.teachmemusic.com.au/wp-content/uploads/2012/07/thumbs_up.png Add favourites – Can’t decide on a teacher? Add a list of your favourites to your user dashboard, then compare them side by side, or decide later.


For Business:

students find music teachers and music lessons quickly and easily    Direct search – Visitors can easily search for individuals or businesses or Events  in a specific area (we even auto detect your location)  –  no navigating through menus or categories – which means visitors in your area, looking for your services, will find your listing quickly and easily. maps on each listing showing the location of your music studio    Google maps – On each listing is a Google map pointing straight to your office. We even show driving direction for your customers.
mustiple contact options for music teachers    Contact info – Allow potential customers to contact you via telephone, links to your website, Facebook, and Twitter accounts, plus via an inbuilt an email contact form. If you have other contact information, just put it in your profile & description. upload 5 images    Upload up to 5 images – Show off your businesses, your office, and your remarkable good looks, with up to 5 images and a built-in “lightbox”. Want more images? No problem, upload them to any cloud storage or file sharing website, then embed them in you profile using our visual editor. See our tutorials for more details.
style your music teacher profile however you like   Visual profile and studio descriptions – Style & format your listing however you like using our visual WYSIWYG editor. See our tutorials for more details. music teacher and music student testimonials   Testimonials – Have your customers leave testimonials on your listing attesting to your skill, expertise, and unaccountable genius. This is a great way to attract new businesses.
brochures, music lessons, etc.    Upload files – Does your business or Events have a brochure? Sometimes images just don’t do the job. Restaurants want to add menus. Auto repair shops might want a pricing sheet with services offered. Other businesses may want to upload brochures. With Bharat Yellow Page, business owners can add PDF files to their listing and show off their business even more audio recordings by music teachers   Embed audio into your listing – Upload an audio file to soundcloud.com then use a simple “shortcode” to embed it into your listing. Soundcloud automatically generates the code for you so all you need to do is copy and paste. For more information about embedding audio into your listing see our tutorials.
perfromances by music teachers     Embed video into your listing – Have a video on Youtube or Vimeo? Just copy and paste your video’s URL into your profile, and viola!, videos in your listing. See our tutorials  for more details. SEO Friendly – We understand how important SEO is for your business. Our pages are built to instantly take advantage of the SEO muscle that makes Aussie Business Directory the most search engine friendly Directory around.  All you need to worry about is running your business.
easy social sharing of music teacher listings    Social sharing – On each listing is a quick and easy way for visitors to share your listing, Events & blog articles with friends via all major social networks. Potential new customers can now find you without even looking for you. visitor counter   Visits counter – Each listing has a visits counter so you can see how many times your listing has been viewed for the day, the week, the month, and visits for the year.
all music teachers listings are equal “Featured” listings – Advertise your business on specific category and make it easy for the people to find you. Stand out of rest. We have different listing plan that suits your need. http://www.teachmemusic.com.au/wp-content/uploads/2012/07/blog-black.png   Contribute to the blog – Promote your business even further by becoming a contributor to the blog. Write articles and lessons about any number of topics. Blog articles automatically include a bio, links to your other articles, and, most importantly, links to your Aussie Business Directory listing (or website, if you have one). See our tutorial and submit an article here* Each article you contribute will also get you a 10 days extension on the life of your featured listing!
manage your music teacher listings and profile   User dashboard – View & manage your listings, testimonials, and account information, create and renew listings, and view account statistics all from your own user dashboard. update music teacher listing from one page   Update listing quickly & easily – Listings can be updated at anytime from one page. Simply visit the listing you would like to update, and click the Edit Listingbutton.

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